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A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders
submitted wednesday 8 may 2014 by Naomi /s/Health    report abuse

I'm new here,
And would like to know if there is any other people who are suffering or have suffered from depression or anxiety and how they have manged to deal with.
For me, the main issue when it comes to depression is the huge ignorance and narrow-mindless of African people who trivialize it and even go the the extend of bullying or condemning suicidal people instead of providing the love, support and care they need during their vulnerability. All that in the name of religion, when religion preach non judgment and love SMH hypocrites!!

I am sick of the sigma and taboo surrounding metal illness. I am sick of the appalling and inhuman ways mentally ill people are treated in Africa or in African communities. The UN classes depression as one of the most wide-spread diseases in the world and one of the deadliest, yet most African people want to remain stubbornly ignorant about it.

I would like this thread to be some sort of refuge where people who feel vulnerable can come and expose their grief, express themselves without any prejudice or judgement, share their hardships and maybe provide tips or advise. I want to build a small network of support so that any African who feel depressed and suicidal know that they are loved and supported, cared for and most importantly NOT ALONE.

Depression is rampant in Africa, people are just blind to it, so many of us are depressed but don know it mainly because of the lack of amenities and facilities to treat and diagnose mental illness properly. My uncle suffered from it all his life. My mum and her siblings would call him lazy and berate because he couldn't leave his bed, had difficulty doing things and he found refuge in alcohol, became an alcoholic and died at the tender age of 33 - just like Jesus Christ. So it runs in my family. Even my great-grand-ma hanged herself. Had they been supported and cared for properly none of this would have happened. They were amazing people who could have done so much for their community yet depression killed them and destroyed their relatives who loved them.

As for me, I am 24 yo, haven't graduated yet because of my anxiety and depression, I have no job, feel lonely and pessimistic about the future and often suicidal and often feel like I will be dead by the time I am 30 too.

So if you need to talk, I am here. If you feel bum out because you cant function, be 'productive' remember that the chemical imbalance that cause depression is NOT YOUR FAULT, that your worth as human being is UNCONDITIONAL and that you are loved and precious xoxoxo.

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