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Day 3 - Free Training On Internet Business And Blogging - Things Required For The Online Business Venture - Part 1
submitted monday 10 november 2015 by Jeaf2000 /s/Webmasters    report abuse

Welcome to day 3 of new opportunities and possibilities. Online business is not a complicated venture to enter as people make it seem.Anyone from the jobless graduate ,Student ,Worker ,Self employed or even Gainfully employed,can engage in the business.Today we shall be learning the necessary things my mentor said is needed for you to start online business.

Online business can be done by anyone with minimal computer knowledge and access to the internet.You do not need to be a computer wizard to be able to do online business. Being able to read and access your e-mail makes you qualified to online business.The magic about online business as soon as it is set up only little maintenance is needed.That means you can do it in your spare time.
Now to our question things that are needed:

1.Knowledge about how to use a computer
2.Ability to browse online by yourself with no supervision
3.Access to internet cafe (Private or cybercafe browsing)

In online business you do not need to have your own laptop or computer for you to engage in it.You can use public computer and internet access.Phone can be used sometimes but it not compatible with some programs which are PC based but when setup you can use your phone sometimes to update it.

Before I mention what is needed to start, I must also warn you seriously that making money online is not easy at all and is not child's play. Please don’t let anybody deceive you into thinking otherwise just because they want you to buy their e-book or software.

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