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Michaelbman1 Adeniji Shola Raymon Bello Roziey Kelvin Hardy Samford Yommy

XAnDY NOnSo , 30 years old

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Nigeria, Lagos


About me
Oh well i'm not much
of a talker, xo am doin
dis on popular
demand, imma jux give
u the highlightz cuz i'm
not a newz reporter..
xo iHope uve fastened
ua seat-beltz yeah?
#NOTE: i wee not catch
a grenade 4 you! Choi!
i mad new??.. Maybe
a knock-Out, or a
butterfly:) º°˚˚˚
ok.. iLike ßruno Mars
.. Not love oh!!
I Love OLAMIDE, yep i
said it, 'LOVE'i can
kill my girlfriend for
that dude...(KIDDING OH)
Factz Yu shud noe
About Me:
#iLike actinq Nollywood films
#iLike Cute gurLz!
#iLike Rock Muzik!
#iLike cartoons!
#iLike junk food!
#iLike Me!!! *oh this
woulda come first oh*
mtchew... Well sha.. &&
#iLike Partys too.. But i
aint a party freak!
#iWrite movie scripts, hip/hop
lyrics at my free time,
you can call me a
lyricist. *check my
#iHate Snubs xx
#iHate fake people!
#iHate Proud People
#iHate down talkers
#iHate people that ask
silly questions
#iHate.. Seriously you
really want me to
continue with this? The
list is endless && life is
short, xo lets just move
,,,,,Em tha cypher lyk vectør tha
Ma evil_cypher vex'n cøz it
fêêl's lyk sip'n ah larva!...
Ma fløw's scraper l¥k ah
clippêr øf ah barbêr!...
Them still ah small kîd, cøz em
dîêr lyrical {møda} murder!...
§ tha rap iz ma l¥ricism
Lemme be tha øne 2'play tha
kiss in ur MEM'c!...
Em sø hurt {høt} lyk ah dr
Me fløw's burning § it'z
lyrically smøking!...
Em jes øn tha grøund
{undagrøund} lyk ah nu
Cøz me fløw gat meaning
{mini} lyk ØPERÄ!...
When ah bleed hater'z struck
{@ møst fear} atmøsphere!...
Ëm prøud dah ah hav ßlack
ßödi jes lyk ßlack ßerry § ëm
always juicer dan juice, em
hyper thän typer, em ah
human ßuh not tha mummies,
em frndly ßut nøt naughty,
yhu are crazy ßut not funny!...
Ok........... lets get 2'tha reason
u're here........ cuz yhu eida
saw ma pixx § felt "i'lld lyk
2'knw bøut dis GUY, lemme
check his prøfile. "ør" sø diz is
tha GUY........ lemme see his
infø. "or" ah fink em crushin
øn his, let's see wat we hav in
cømmøn...."or" ah fink i'll lyk
him 2'be my friend.......ør cuz
of any oda reason not stated.
But tha wholepoint is, u're
here & u wanna knw abt
me....... I'll tel u jst dat........Y'all
already knw ma basic info, dis
is jst! amma
cul person, luv meeting P'ple
"duh! Dats why em here § i'm
very friendly. (if there's any
other fin yhu wanna
knw?......pls ask) § pls don't
say 'i'll lyk to know more bout
yhu (i hate hearin dat......§ ah
wøn't answer yhu, DAT'S THA

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