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I Am Not A Lucky Girl! Please Why?
presentada sábado 9 febrero 2014 por Nancy /s/Romance    denunciar un abuso

God please I am dying here,which man will I trust again upon my luv and caring towards dem,still wat I will receive is hrt broke,why I am nt a lucky me lord

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Duncan domingo 9 junio 2014
Hi am Duncan 4rm Nairobi...why a u nt happy?
Jojo domingo 6 octubre 2014
why would u hav such a thought for urself, i knw certainly there's more to it but does dat make u unlucky?? believe u are d best
Fadhili Kondo viernes 11 octubre 2014
Ooooh girl ur far away 4rom me,
Wat shall I do eeeeeee?
Alex lunes 14 octubre 2014
Hy am alexandra i don,t knw what 2 say anymore bcouz u ar nw occupied but dis my numba 08189542344 bye hv a lucky day
Lucky martes 5 noviembre 2014
you can not which yourself a bad luck,meaning nobody was born as a nonentity,God love you in the way are,remember that every good and perfect gife came from the may be that man was not for you...
Don't give up, a change is coming up,
just cried to the lord in prayer and painstak
ing to my detail,believ
and you will got the result.
Further study:
Psalm 34:5-6
Deleted member viernes 8 noviembre 2014
hi how aw are u doing
Boniface viernes 8 noviembre 2014
the ryt problem at the ryt tym
here's me bybe to console you n to make you fl lyk a real lady
Shakur jueves 23 enero 2015
Hookup with me
Juniho Skima jueves 13 marzo 2015
Baby stop saying that you are unlucky because everything that happens happened for a good reason just believe that your real love is yet to come don't rush into relationship rather it will come by itself keep on praying okay
Rabboni martes 25 marzo 2015
hi girl u can't commit suicide because of broken heart after all u are having the best qualities that a lady should have,so girl cheer up u will soon see ur true lover.for more counciling just email me on
Jeffrey miércoles 26 marzo 2015
Pray hard
Davismiles viernes 28 marzo 2015
your confession really matters, Start talking positively!!! You are a lucky and blessed lady
Mario M lunes 31 marzo 2015
Do not go onto social networks looking for love, u will seldom find it. Just have fun and love will come to u when the time is right
Deleted member martes 1 abril 2015
oh shame.dont blame ur self girl.your tym will come of joy and happiness all u need to do is wait ur men is out the u will find him or he will find u ok be strong I Am Not A Lucky Girl! Please Why?

Rodney lunes 7 abril 2015
frst of all sorry for the heartbreaks...just prove to those idiots that you can make it...give yourself a chance dear pal

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