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Does Sex Defines Love?
submitted friday 3 august 2013 by Nifemi /s/Romance    report abuse

What ur take on dis matter fwends?

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Roland thursday 13 september 2013
Nope it doesn't. It cements it Makes it stronger!
Sabelo sunday 25 may 2015
Yes coz it is what unite the relationship
Lively tuesday 18 september 2013
it depends, if before marriage no rather it makes u lose ur worth as a woman, but as married couples yes it is.
Laid1985 tuesday 18 december 2013
i think so, because the sex is the fruite of love,
Autin saturday 29 december 2013
well my dear sex is the beauty of ever you speak of love know that sex must come in,is the root and the beauty of where there is no sex love lack
Thomas B wednesday 14 may 2015
Sex is the key factor in a r/ship my dia...
Abdul friday 11 january 2014
Doesn't define it but adds colour to it.
Freddas friday 11 january 2014
yes it does cause if the sex is terriable then the love is broken
Deleted member saturday 12 january 2014
no but it makes love to go stronger than ever .
Prince sunday 13 january 2014
Sex is Good, Sex is Sweet, Sex is Beautiful,,,dere s NO LOVE Without
Peggy sunday 20 january 2014
My dear, sex does not define demanding for sex to proof ur love for him/her,only want to satisfy his/her selfish only create intimacy between
Deleted member thursday 5 february 2016
Hello friends, sex does not define Love, because, they differ in orientation!

Sex is always motivated by Lust[which is the Earthly counterfit of TRUE LOVE.

Lust and sex: are emotionally driven to promote carnal/physical intimacy. Most boys and girls, men and women- obeys this compelling urge of human nature; at all cost, even at the risk of their physical and spiritual welfare.
But, sexual intercourse is good, d very beneficial- devoid of every sense of guilt when the act is legally consumated. .

Sex is only justified among heterosexual couples for procreation and marital bonding- in a valid 1:1 marriage convenant as ORDAINED [by the Author of human relationships], in the very first beginning and EMPHASIZED MORE IN CHRISTIANITY !!!

Feel very free to reach me, if you have questions- for a detailed scriptural clarifications about this issue and more. . . .
But, love is a Divine connection, a supernatural phenomenon which constrains the people of God live in obedience to the eternal tenets of righteousness.
Joshua sunday 17 march 2014
It depends on the personality ! If there is no a good sex between them
there is no love but no body can love depends on sex !!
Joel thursday 28 november 2014
My dear sex do kind of v sumtine 2 do wth luv bt is 4 marriage couples only.
Trevor sunday 1 december 2014
Someone once told me dat sex is not important but it matters,but only with the right person.If u feel pushed then obviously there is something wrong coz it has to come from your heart and mind and not from the genitals.But it becomes different with married couples,it has to bé there and good too so that your partners mind doesnt wonder around and heart tempted.It actually brings them together even after the most heated arguement,sometimes it juss has to happen...
Xavier tuesday 3 december 2014
nope it doesn't love is a stateless word not sex.
Mandingo thursday 23 january 2015
Juniho Skima thursday 13 march 2015
Sex do not defind love but sex is part of love
Chris Angles friday 16 may 2015
Sometimes it does
Innocent Ncube wednesday 7 may 2015
Ofcoz it's does
Adeyemo monday 5 may 2015
It does frm lady's end, bt frm man's end it doesn't. Bt if one follows an adage from yoruba it does "a woman who gives her nakedeness to a man, can remove her eyes for that man"
Ryan saturday 3 may 2015
get to me for a final Answer
Kennedy saturday 3 may 2015
it does but it depend on the relation of the two eg love between father and his or her son sex has no application btn them but if is boy and fiance or vise versa sex it define love!

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