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I Am Not A Lucky Girl! Please Why?
submitted saturday 9 february 2014 by Nancy /s/Romance    report abuse

God please I am dying here,which man will I trust again upon my luv and caring towards dem,still wat I will receive is hrt broke,why I am nt a lucky me lord

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Charles sunday 10 february 2014
Girl,pls let me luv u,,and those broken hrt i wil amend then and wil show u wat love really to here a respond from you sooner,, this is my thanks dear
Micheal tuesday 18 november 2015
Trust u self
Sammyg sunday 10 february 2014
U don't av to nail urself negatively my dear, I belief u understand wat a life patner really means. Does u tink are d best for u might not be d good cake for u. All u need do is to thank God for reviewing dere attitude before commitment. Keep praying cos d best is yet to come not dat u are unlucky. Takia
Kataput sunday 10 february 2014
Why so my to be a one who have a bad lucky, while your looking so beautiful
Naomi wednesday 6 march 2014
Hi, its really sad and disppointing to her your heart. But my simple advice is that you just use your experiences for your good, move on and be open to love again. Love is living and living is quit!!
Henry saturday 9 march 2014
keep searching dnt give up 1 day u will find the right man that deserve u one man trash is another man treasure along with prayer 08035281595
God sunday 10 march 2014
Stop being negative babe,you're beautiful maybe u should focus on yourself and what you want in life. all the best take care.
Soneil tuesday 12 march 2014
I am here to full fill ur dreams sweedy
Addis monday 18 march 2014
Don't worry god will give you the perfect one
Joshua2life thursday 21 march 2014
what makes u feel ur heart is broken? maybe u put more than should be into the relationship
Lawrence Sunday thursday 21 march 2014
Both good and bad things need prayers. Take your matter to the Lord in prayer; He will surely answer you. Pertaining to men, Consult Almighty God without any idol in your heart, you will not regret it. It is well with you in Jesus name.
Josphat saturday 23 march 2014
u r Agood lady y u get stresd at that r smart y cant u add frm nairobi kenya my email
Eni wednesday 3 april 2014
People talk and take love anyhow as if it is something you go to the grocery store to obtain. My dear you wont die. Heart broken is as a result of meeting a wrong human specimen. Just transfer that love energy into something else in making your world beautiful, and you will be surprised how love will locate you.
Adeniyi Olabanjy friday 25 july 2015
just need understand ur self b4 move close to anybody coz to much of beauty can lead that.
Jones wednesday 7 may 2015
Dont rush,love is a journey that takes long before you reach your just got on the way
Adewale thursday 4 april 2014
nancy dont say that men will always be men and there are still good guys just calm down and watch . study any guy that has sweet mouth
Edwin wednesday 8 may 2014
Hey just be luck now i am here 4 u and you will forget everything at your back.
Come to me baby i will i will make your happiness to be back again, do think that you are alone but think about me that now you are with some one who will return your luck again.
Isaac sunday 9 june 2014
y don't u email me

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