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What Do You Think That Make Ladies To Be Happy In Relationship?
submetido quinta-feira 19 junho 2015 por Christian /s/Romance    denunciar usuário

According to you, what do you think makes ladies to be more happy?

4. SEX

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Gift quarta-feira 13 agosto 2015
How you treat them when your in love
Wawajespen sexta-feira 15 agosto 2015
love en care
Stein quarta-feira 27 agosto 2015
when you give ur girl much attention and care,,,,they start tripping
Real22 sexta-feira 29 agosto 2015
What makes ladies happy in a relationsh are;
1) Attention, this means to listten to her when she talks, be there for her when she need someone to talk to and of course passionate sex.

2) Love, this means making her feel accepted & welcome at all time. Do not judge her but correct her with love when she makes mistake & be proud of her & let her know you are proud of her.

3) Finacial assistance, any lady that tells you she doesn't need finacial assistance is telling a big lie. Don't give her gifts & finacial assistance & watch her change for bad in a little while. Any man that doesn't spend on his lady no matter how little have no future plans for her or with her. A man that truly loves a lady will spend on her.
Okom Onyeka sexta-feira 29 agosto 2015
When u show them dat u love them
Togbe segunda-feira 22 setembro 2015
Isaac Asiedu segunda-feira 22 setembro 2015
lf you Care
Lexious Limsey quinta-feira 2 outubro 2015
Gift sexta-feira 27 fevereiro 2016
All they need is someone who is not a player and love her without hestation
Maxwell segunda-feira 1 março 2016
Alot of women love men with exposure handsome,good looking caring with bright future. What Do You Think That Make Ladies To Be Happy In Relationship?

simy segunda-feira 1 março 2016
Attention and care
Ibrahim segunda-feira 1 março 2016
care for her
James Muchai terça-feira 2 março 2016

Sulaimon Abdulhakeem sábado 6 março 2016
LOVE, Attention, money
Andrew terça-feira 9 março 2016
care and sex

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