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Can You Date Somebody In Your Working Place?
submetido sábado 21 junho 2015 por Christian /s/Romance    denunciar usuário

Please I want to know because I am trapped in such a situation but am confused because of my stand in the work...

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Adeniyi Olabanjy sexta-feira 25 julho 2015
Yap I can
Immanuel domingo 27 julho 2015
Jotham quinta-feira 31 julho 2015
Many hv dated their colleagues n married. So I don't see anything that shd hold U back.

Musa quarta-feira 13 agosto 2015
If we love each other,yes i can do it
Will quarta-feira 13 agosto 2015
if i fall for her,en she do the same,i would say yes
Jenny quarta-feira 13 agosto 2015
Yep,in as much has he possess a virtual quality wit a gud sense of decency.
Stach segunda-feira 29 setembro 2015
Tongesai Chako sábado 1 novembro 2015
i yes if she no what we are doing,i like nice ladys
Gilbert Brown sexta-feira 5 dezembro 2015
Yusif sexta-feira 5 dezembro 2015
Why not if the person is not married or if you are not also married but if you want to play double game, finally you will be disgraced and lost the job
Enock quinta-feira 11 dezembro 2015
why not?
Emmanuel sexta-feira 9 abril 2016
if she/he is nyc & u like the fomular.
Alu sexta-feira 9 abril 2016
Yes u can
Sajad domingo 2 maio 2016
only think about sex with her . wow perfect sex in work place
Vincent quarta-feira 16 junho 2016
Yes i can

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