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What To Do When You Feel Miserable After Your Girlfriend Broke Up With You?
submetido quarta-feira 24 dezembro 2015 por Christian /s/Romance    denunciar usuário

My girlfriend broke up with me, I have nothing. I cry and it helps but the pain keeps coming back. Please I need your advises.

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Joseph sábado 27 março 2016
Da best tin is 2 stay away 4a helps nd does not help but actually it gets u away 4rm da distractn
Abdel sábado 1 maio 2016
stay away from her and stay cool
Spiker segunda-feira 29 março 2016
The best way is to find another girl real quick and you can forget abput her
Jerry sexta-feira 9 abril 2016
Pain , past memories but is just like some 1 bombard u. What To Do When You Feel Miserable After Your Girlfriend Broke Up With You?

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