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Poems That Tell A Story - Please Share Here
submitted monday 29 april 2014 by Naomi /s/Romance    report abuse

Let's share stories in poetry format. I hope this makes sense. I would be back to share mine.

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Naomi monday 29 april 2014
The Girlfriend I Never Had

I could remember the whole incident without any effort
On that fateful day I went to the school's cafeteria to find my stomach its comfort
With the intention that my breakaway from the protest will be brief and short
Only for my eyes to be caught up with an angelic beauty of some sort

Sitting alone on a table for two was this girl, the exact girl of my dream
Innocently having a peaceful lunch: potato chips and a cup of ice cream
She seemed far away as if she was at the other end of the stream
Will you be my girlfriend my heart wanted to scream

I walked towards her but before I was close enough
The peaceful protest outside started to turn rough
The police shot tear gas in the air, everywhere was tensed and tough
People ran helter skelter raising dust, I guess that made her cough

Then the real shooting began and everyone became scared
I offered her my hand as a gesture that I cared
She looked into my eyes and I guess she saw that even death at that moment I dared
Though in the corner of my heart I prayed that we could be spared

As we ran for cover I asked for her name
Only to look up and saw she wasn't the same
Till today no one know from where the bullet came
But it went straight to her heart and she gave up within the shortest time frame

There were reports that at that point I actually went mad
Justifying the few days I spent in the psychiatric ward.....yes it was that bad
Though today makes it a year ago; remembering the whole incident still makes me sad
Because I helplessly watched the girl of my dream die as the girlfriend I never had
Naomi monday 29 april 2014
A Stranger called Step-mum

Dad came home with a strange woman
That was the second time in recent times
So, it wasn't so strange anymore
Still the woman looks strange

Rumours had it that the first one got born again
And said it wasn't good to take another man's wife
Funny isn't
Strange things I tell you

This strange woman has come to stay
Fair with a slim 'lepa' figure
Hmmm.... Dad must have a thing for yellow paw paw
Mum was fair too

The strange woman's first meal
Oh! The meat was cut so small like it would be sold for 5k
Even dad complained
Her next try was a greater disaster
She cut the meat so big like it was stolen and not paid for

The Shaki (bowel) was not well peeled
It looked dirty and yucky!
I almost puked.
Did she buy it at Oshodi or Iyanapaja market?
Instead of Isale-Eko or Oyingbo?
I wouldn't know
We slept on an empty stomach that night
A strange woman indeed

Oh! I forgot to add
She was very hard working
That aspect we loved so much
Unlike the first strange woman
That made my first cooking experience a disaster

I was asked to boil egg for her
She wanted bread, tea and egg for breakefast
I loved dad so much I would do anything to please him
I guess the older siblings were away in school

The egg was not properly done
I brought it, broke it and it was not done
This woman refused to get up
Kept on dishing out orders on how I should get it done

We kind of preferred her cos she was sophisticated
House chores she made us do
That aspect we hated
What wouldn't the new woman do
To make my daddy say "yes, I do!"
She could scrub 10x a day
So as to present herself as the ideal wife
A strange woman indeed!
Naomi monday 29 april 2014

I saw a young girl crying
Around the busy streets of Obalende
Two street miscreants held her hands on each side
One had his trouser half way with a mischievous grin on his face
They tried to pacify her

The girl was looking tattered
With no panties underneath the long top she wore
All manner of thoughts ran through my mind

What have they done to her, I wondered
Could it be...
No! It hope not!
I hate to think about it

I couldn't get her tear-stained eyes off my mind for days
I couldn't help but wonder why she was crying
Was she lost?
Was she molested?

I don't wanna think about it
Naomi monday 29 april 2014
Entanglement of Love

Love is pure and true
Refined and not prude
Thrives on the wings of truth
And would not be real without you

In my heart I think about you
Should this be I wonder
I feel ashamed sharing this feeling
Feels so sacred for an unworthy me

I share this feeling so deep
Not cos you make me think deep
But cos your affection is so deep
That I will keep sinking deep

When love says no more
Do you tear your heart apart in protest
Or you bow and let it have its way

Fight for what you have while you can
If another steal it from you
It's no fault of mine
Naomi monday 29 april 2014
When I thought my father died
I was but a young girl
On my way to school that faithful day
I decided to check my dad at the specialist hospital not far from home

He was being attended to by a nurse
I had to wait outside
Beside him was my step mom with eyes weary from lack of sleep
Soon I heard panic and screams from inside

I rushed in and saw the nurse beat my dad so hard
She poked a pin deep into his skin
Dad did not shake
I didn't know when the tears started rolling down
I couldn't resist

Have I lost my dad?
Daddy, u can't go just now
Not long he opened his eyes
I heaved a sigh of relief
And swore never to forget the day I almost lost my dad
Naomi monday 29 april 2014
I Know A Young Girl - A short story

Part 1

I once know a young girl
Full of life
Loves adventure
Loves fun

I once know a young girl
Bright and talented
Innocent yet mischievous
With smile so captivating

I once know a young girl
Searching for love
To find that one her soul desires
That one she longs to spend forever with

Her Mr. Charming
Her knight in shining armour
The one that will make her the envy of all eyes
Her soul mate

She searched...
She found that one
And gave him her all
Her search brought her first pain
Naomi monday 29 april 2014

I once know a young girl
So naïve
Her naivety gave her innocence away
She lost her innocence to that man that claims to love her

I see her sit by the river bank
Lost in thought
And wonder why the world is so cruel
Hating every moment she had to live

Tears tickled down her pretty face
"Why?", she asked?
How could he be so cruel!!!
She wanted the first to be special - a magical moment
Not laced with a horrible memory
Making each night a miserable scare
Naomi monday 29 april 2014
The Mysterious Girl

(An amberacious version of 'HOPE' by Tgirl4real)

As I drove down the street, I noticed this girl with this mysterious look
She dressed like one of these Togolese immigrants hired as a cook
She looked mysteriously lost like she was in a hook.
My guess was, either something was taken from her or there was something she unlawfully took

I slowed down to take a closer look as I changed my gears
I noticed her skin was bruised, her clothes torn showing her underwears
I could see in her eyes cloud of tears
I wanted to park but the hoodlums around her were my fears

I pondered on this mysterious girl as I continued my journey
There were only two possibilities: one, that this girl stole some money
And the other, that some hoodlums molested her and forcefully took from her honey
Which ever one, the girl definitely at that moment needed an attorney

A scene like this is not strange in my neighbourhood
Where people are seen hustling to make livelihood
Kids grow up here without experiencing good parenthood
My submission is this mysterious girl is another likelihood.....
Naomi monday 29 april 2014
to my mother!
To the strongest woman I will ever know.
At first glance Mom's hands may seem crippled and meek.
She flinches when you bump them and her grip is quite weak.
But these hands are a reflection ....of the woman inside,
although burdened with limits, still strong with pride.
When opening a jar seems too great a task,
it's only after great hesitation that she finally asks.
Don't let that mislead you for you must understand.
It's not what they can't do, but rather what they can.
These hands have the strength to raise a family right,
to wipe away every tear and hold you real tight.
They come together each day in prayer,
and whenever you need them, they're always right there.
So if these hands don't appear all that tough,
Remember they're full of tenderness and love
and for me that's enough. smiley
Naomi monday 29 april 2014

Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.
Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn't always show.
Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.

Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harms way.
Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.
Naomi monday 29 april 2014
I Know a Young Girl- Contd.


I once know a young girl
Not so young anymore
Did she wise up? No!
She kept trusting

Not wanting to lose this one person that stole her pride
Wanting to appease her hurting heart with the selfish love he proclaimed.
Not wanting to lose her esteem
She gave another chance

Another chance at love
This time it was contractual
And boom! It blasted in her face
And the stitches thought was neatly patched opened leaving a gory wound

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