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Who Is To Blame? Who Is Unfair In This?
presentada sábado 23 agosto 2015 por Olaide /s/Romance    denunciar un abuso


A man came back from work and met his wife making love to another man on their matrimonial bed.

He did not shout nor beat any of them but went to the sitting room, switched on the television set and sat quietly listening to news.

A few minutes later, the man got dressed, came to the sitting room and said to the husband 'am sorry', but before he could say any more words, the husband said. 'don't worry, stuff like this happen', and the man left, but the wife did not come out of the room.

Tired of watching the television, the husband switched off the TV, went into the room, met the wife crying, without saying a word to her or asking about the incident, he went straight to bed and slept.

By morning, the husband woke up and saw the lifeless body of the wife. She committed suicide while he was sleeping.

The husband was arrested ,arraigned, convicted and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for murder.

QUESTION: Who is unfair in this?

1. The Law

2. The Wife

3. The Husband

4. The Man

Please give reasons for your answers...

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Jotham domingo 24 agosto 2015
Who is unfair? Bullcrap! None is fair. The Law takes it that if at the scene of crime at or after the time the crime is committed U r the prime suspect n that's unfair.

How cd the Lady invite her boyfriend in her matrimonial home n bed, fair? Oh NO!

This Boyfriend must hv bn nuts 2 accept the invitation. Again, NOT FAIR.

The MAN of the house wd hv prevented this death if only he hadn't assumed calmness leaving his wife in a dilemma n guilty thus the decision 2 commit suicide.

NB/ We aren't fair as well or else U cdn't hv sought comments n I wdnt hv commented on such a grave incidence. Hahaha!

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