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4 Lies Men Tell To Get Sex From Women
submitted saturday 26 july 2015 by Christian /s/Romance    report abuse

4 lies men tell to get sex from women… No.1 is just silly!!!!

When a man’s organ is hungry, there is just about no lie he can’t tell. A man who really wants to have sex with the object of his affection can lie that he is God if he thinks that will get him laid.

Ladies have received earfuls of lies that will make you shrink mouth ajar.

Here are 4 of them:

1. “I’m already erect. I’ll suffer pains.” A desperate guy can use his erection as an excuse to get laid. Truly an erection left unrelieved can hurt, but not so hard that he NEEDS to have sex – unless of course he has used performance enhancers already

2. “I love you.” This is the big one that seems to work many times. Knowing that sex for women is as emotional as it is physical, men lie that they are in love, thereby appealing to the woman’s soft side.

3. “I’m a virgin.” Yeah, men are virgins too! More than a few guys have played that card. They will say they want the lady in question to help them get over the virginity. It just might be true though.

4. “You’re the only one I’m seeing.” This is another one that works many time. The guy tried to make the women believe that there is no one else, hence the need to be fully committed and let him have a bite of the honeycomb.

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Jotham thursday 31 july 2015
I can't help laughing at these excuses ,they are as lame as the sayer n audience ..

1 : Haha! Am already "hard/erect " ,as it ever killed anyone save 4 the enhanced ones? Never!

2 : I love U is a phrase commonly used. It however doesn't mean "I want sex" or does it? If a lady gives in 2 her man's sexual desires just because she is loved n not because she wants it herself, something must b very wrong.

Sex shd b between 2 people who r both in need of it. U don't tell me a lady felt sorry 4 the guy coz he was so turned on thus emphasized ,oh no. That 's bull crap!
Jenny wednesday 13 august 2015
# i luv u,# will u marry m,#u luk beautiful nd sweet 2day,# i wnt u 2 get pregnant b4 our wedding
Olu monday 1 september 2015
Moonlight series for school children. Abeg think of something else
Angula monday 22 september 2015
Jag sometimes guys used to lie but in reality if a men erect he thinks less and ther would no lies 4 Lies Men Tell To Get Sex From Women

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